Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What impact have you made recently....

Did you see that little girl reaching for the ice cream machine at the restaurant? Did you see she needed help? Did you walk away? Did someone else run up and help her? Did her mom see that and secretly say a little prayer thanking God someone helped her? Did you see that little girl take her ice cream to the little old man sitting alone in the corner hooked to an oxygen tank? Did you know that little girl has been given 2 weeks to live before her organs quit keeping her alive?

The hostess saw her. The manager saw her. The cop who just arrested a drunk for stumbling down the street saw her. But you didn't, you turned your back and walked away thinking to yourself, "What a snot-nosed little brat. Her grimy fingers just ruined my whole appetite." You returned to your booth, turned on your I-pad and zoned into CNN while chomping down your salad like nothing in the world matters more than you and the next 15 minutes of 'freedom' before you head back to the office. Your still mad from the arguement you had with you daughter about the shoes she chose to wear to 2nd grade, she headed to school with tears streaming down her face. I'm sure that's how she wants to remember you today.

That nasty text message you sent your son this morning about him not finishing his chores before school really didn't help his mood after staying up all night with his friend who was just diagnosed with cancer. His friend has 6 months to live. But why would you know, there is a huge report due on friday and you haven't even started it. So you blame your frustration and anger on anything else that is near you and forget about everything around you. Work is more important than anything; except, of course, if your team made it to the Pac 10 conference this year.

What you don't know is that the lady across the road from you has been watching your actions everyday and she prays daily that you realize how much anger and resentment you hold towards everyone. She prays you never lose anyone close to you like she lost her husband 2 years ago to a drunk driver. She prays that you find a peace and comfort and are able to cherish the moments you spend with the people you love. That you never have to experiance any pain or agony in your life. That you see the little girl in the restaurant and stop to help.

Other people might see your actions and see that you take the time to listen to the story of the lady in the same seat of the bus, she might just need someone to listen to her and seem to care which could give her the courage to leave the abusive relationship she is in. It could give her the courage to stand up for the dad who isn't allowed to see his children anymore becaue his ex took them across state lines. It could give her the courage to try out for the lead role in the musical at the theatre. It could give her the courage to tell you that she admires you for keeping a roof over your kids' head even when you have to work 90 hours a week so they can also play sports. But do they know the truth?

Do they know that your never home? Do they know that you forget to be thankful that you still have a job? Do they know that you drink more beer on the weekends than water you use shower in? Do they know your kids walk to school and home everyday because that Audi you own only has 2 seats? Oh thats right, your job gave you a credit to buy a car for business. So you chose the nicest one they offered instead of practicality, but its for work. So that doesnt matter....Right? Does it?

Actually it does. I know from recent experiences in my life that you can get so wrapped up in 'me' that you forget you family and friends. You forget to smell the roses, to wish on a shooting star, to take the time to drop by someones work and say hi. It takes a slap in the face like finding out one of your closest friends may not live to see 2013 with you. They might not make it to my 21st birthday. We cant plan anything in the future until we know if the doctors can take care of the situation. I really dont care to explain what is going on, still a very sore spot for me. I am dealing with it the best that I can at the time, but everyday is hard knowing it might be one day closer to the end of the time you have together. Sometimes its easier avoiding the person, their texts and phone calls because I know that there is a chance that might be the last time I hear from them. I cant stand to give them a hug right now, knowing that there is a chance that I wont be able to hug them again, to feel 'together', to be away from the hub-bub of life for those few precious seconds.

My new favorite quote is: 'Our lives are better measured by our impact on others than life's impact on us.' Have you been able to make a positive impact on someone recently? Did you listen your son tell the story of how he jumped his mountain bike for the first time? Did he beam when you said 'I am so proud of you'? Did you cringe when you flipped someone off on the free-way and you saw their child ask 'Mommy what does that mean'? Did you feel guilty when you stormed past your neighbor crying in her car? Did you pretend you didnt see?

Alot more often than we think, our negative actions show make a bigger impact on someone than 5 good ones can make. I can smile at someone at Wal-Mart and she may not remember it 5 minutes later. But if I laid on my horn when she was backing out of her parking spot, she may remember that all day. Honestly, it might ruin her day. If you one of those people who think, 'Well she should have backed up faster!' Maybe she saw the kitten that you didnt see run between the cars and chose to spare it's life. Maybe she paid for that couples' coffee who are making their way to their car over on the first row. Maybe, just maybe, she chose to slow down her life and smell the roses because she doesn't know how long she has left with her daughter.

Remember the little girl?? Her mother backed slowly out of her parking spot at Wal-Mart today because she bought a bouquet of flowers to leave on her neighbors porch who looked like they needed to stop and smell the roses. Your daughter thought they were for her since you had argued this morning. Your son believed you bought them for his friend with cancer. You had no idea they were for you, maybe as a little reminder to tell the ones that you love how much you love them. Risk that hug, it might be your last, but it will make it that much more special. Risk those few seconds helping someone else, you will end up with a bigger reward in the end. Even if all you get is the knowledge of knowing you made someone elses day a little bit brighter.

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