Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What impact have you made recently....

Did you see that little girl reaching for the ice cream machine at the restaurant? Did you see she needed help? Did you walk away? Did someone else run up and help her? Did her mom see that and secretly say a little prayer thanking God someone helped her? Did you see that little girl take her ice cream to the little old man sitting alone in the corner hooked to an oxygen tank? Did you know that little girl has been given 2 weeks to live before her organs quit keeping her alive?

The hostess saw her. The manager saw her. The cop who just arrested a drunk for stumbling down the street saw her. But you didn't, you turned your back and walked away thinking to yourself, "What a snot-nosed little brat. Her grimy fingers just ruined my whole appetite." You returned to your booth, turned on your I-pad and zoned into CNN while chomping down your salad like nothing in the world matters more than you and the next 15 minutes of 'freedom' before you head back to the office. Your still mad from the arguement you had with you daughter about the shoes she chose to wear to 2nd grade, she headed to school with tears streaming down her face. I'm sure that's how she wants to remember you today.

That nasty text message you sent your son this morning about him not finishing his chores before school really didn't help his mood after staying up all night with his friend who was just diagnosed with cancer. His friend has 6 months to live. But why would you know, there is a huge report due on friday and you haven't even started it. So you blame your frustration and anger on anything else that is near you and forget about everything around you. Work is more important than anything; except, of course, if your team made it to the Pac 10 conference this year.

What you don't know is that the lady across the road from you has been watching your actions everyday and she prays daily that you realize how much anger and resentment you hold towards everyone. She prays you never lose anyone close to you like she lost her husband 2 years ago to a drunk driver. She prays that you find a peace and comfort and are able to cherish the moments you spend with the people you love. That you never have to experiance any pain or agony in your life. That you see the little girl in the restaurant and stop to help.

Other people might see your actions and see that you take the time to listen to the story of the lady in the same seat of the bus, she might just need someone to listen to her and seem to care which could give her the courage to leave the abusive relationship she is in. It could give her the courage to stand up for the dad who isn't allowed to see his children anymore becaue his ex took them across state lines. It could give her the courage to try out for the lead role in the musical at the theatre. It could give her the courage to tell you that she admires you for keeping a roof over your kids' head even when you have to work 90 hours a week so they can also play sports. But do they know the truth?

Do they know that your never home? Do they know that you forget to be thankful that you still have a job? Do they know that you drink more beer on the weekends than water you use shower in? Do they know your kids walk to school and home everyday because that Audi you own only has 2 seats? Oh thats right, your job gave you a credit to buy a car for business. So you chose the nicest one they offered instead of practicality, but its for work. So that doesnt matter....Right? Does it?

Actually it does. I know from recent experiences in my life that you can get so wrapped up in 'me' that you forget you family and friends. You forget to smell the roses, to wish on a shooting star, to take the time to drop by someones work and say hi. It takes a slap in the face like finding out one of your closest friends may not live to see 2013 with you. They might not make it to my 21st birthday. We cant plan anything in the future until we know if the doctors can take care of the situation. I really dont care to explain what is going on, still a very sore spot for me. I am dealing with it the best that I can at the time, but everyday is hard knowing it might be one day closer to the end of the time you have together. Sometimes its easier avoiding the person, their texts and phone calls because I know that there is a chance that might be the last time I hear from them. I cant stand to give them a hug right now, knowing that there is a chance that I wont be able to hug them again, to feel 'together', to be away from the hub-bub of life for those few precious seconds.

My new favorite quote is: 'Our lives are better measured by our impact on others than life's impact on us.' Have you been able to make a positive impact on someone recently? Did you listen your son tell the story of how he jumped his mountain bike for the first time? Did he beam when you said 'I am so proud of you'? Did you cringe when you flipped someone off on the free-way and you saw their child ask 'Mommy what does that mean'? Did you feel guilty when you stormed past your neighbor crying in her car? Did you pretend you didnt see?

Alot more often than we think, our negative actions show make a bigger impact on someone than 5 good ones can make. I can smile at someone at Wal-Mart and she may not remember it 5 minutes later. But if I laid on my horn when she was backing out of her parking spot, she may remember that all day. Honestly, it might ruin her day. If you one of those people who think, 'Well she should have backed up faster!' Maybe she saw the kitten that you didnt see run between the cars and chose to spare it's life. Maybe she paid for that couples' coffee who are making their way to their car over on the first row. Maybe, just maybe, she chose to slow down her life and smell the roses because she doesn't know how long she has left with her daughter.

Remember the little girl?? Her mother backed slowly out of her parking spot at Wal-Mart today because she bought a bouquet of flowers to leave on her neighbors porch who looked like they needed to stop and smell the roses. Your daughter thought they were for her since you had argued this morning. Your son believed you bought them for his friend with cancer. You had no idea they were for you, maybe as a little reminder to tell the ones that you love how much you love them. Risk that hug, it might be your last, but it will make it that much more special. Risk those few seconds helping someone else, you will end up with a bigger reward in the end. Even if all you get is the knowledge of knowing you made someone elses day a little bit brighter.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Unexpected failure?

Once I rolled over and opened my eyes to greet the sun that was peeking through the hazy mist at Newport, I realized the first thing that popped into my head when I opened my eyes, was that Ms. Kim Kardashian was now Mrs. Kris Humphries. I asked myself why I thought of that right away instead of being thankful that I am alive, thankful that I made it through the night and the laundry list of other things that I should be thankful for...I mean I have nothing in common with Kim K; other than we both breathe and are both female.

I have to admit, I was really frustrated that I thought about her and her drama filled, do anything to be on TV, screwed up family, act happy all the time because life is perfect,I dont have to do anything, rich, greedy little self. Why am I thinking about someone who thinks life is perfect, who (honestly) doesn't do any good for anyone, who has everything handed to her? The only she has going for her is her ass...and quite honestly, it's not that great! I have alot going for me! Why am I interested at all in her life? Why do I wish I was her? No one in my family likes her, they love(or say they do)me.

I am thoroughly annoyed by her. One comment she made was that "If I like a food, I'll eat it, even if I know it's not good for me." There goes the selfish me attitude, in the back of her mind she is probably thinking, "I can hire whoever I want to help me workout and lose weight like a normal person, I just wont tell anyone that I am working, and I'll look perfect!" However, I highly doubt she has done anything to earn the money to hire that person, she is relying on her Mommy and Step-daddy to front the bill, even though its through her banking accounts.

As I was laying there fuming at myself for being so ridiculous, I grabbed my phone and turned on the internet, checked facebook and prompty jumped on E! News mobile to check the lastest gossip and news. I read that Chely Wright married her fiancee Lauren, Lady Gaga has a bikini body and that our lovely 'Idol' Miss Kim is married; there had to be at least 5 different stories on the situation. Being the typical girl I am, I was happy that she found love(?) and I wanted to see the dress. I clicked on the title that screamed "Kim K is now Mrs. Humphries! See dress here!" The first time my phone had an error message that said 'No Response', I clicked again and it read 'Unexpected Failure'. I exited the browser, slide my phone shut and said 'Thank You Lord for calming my feelings and removing my desire to be involved in something that can't do any good for me.'

I didn't go to church today, I was at the beach. I didn't read my bible, I 'forgot' to bring it. I didn't go running while listening to christian music, my MP3 player was 'dead'. However, I felt that God talked to me more using my phone, 2 short messages and the one person I really can't stand, than he could have gotten through to me if I had done all those things I usually do.

This may sound a little 'churchy', you may be frustrated that I would post this. But this is who I am; I'm not perfect, I have never claimed to be, and I never will be. I go to church on an irregular basis, I like listening to christian music, although 95% of it frustrates me. I LOVE running, more than alot of things. I have also made MANY mistakes, but I will never 'regret' them, because dammit, that is what made me...well, me!

Ok, So update on the 'Man'......AMAZING!!!! Nothing else to say really, he is doing great. I am learning alot more about relationships and learning how to trust, but I wouldnt trade it for anything.

I am getting ready to head to Montana this wednesday for a week. We are going to go to the last race of the Western Hare Scrambles 2011 series in Big Sky Montana. I hope to do really well, I've been training my bum off and I think I am ready to lay it down!!!! :)

That is all I have to say about that...I need topics for blogs lol. I dont know what else to talk about, but I am in a writing mood...and I dont think you all want to read my opinion all the time. Sooooo..If you have an idea, let me know and i'll see what I can do! :)


Friday, July 15, 2011

Who has 2 thumbs and no idea??

Who has 2 thumbs and no idea?? That would be me! I always thought I'd be married when I turned 18. Well, I'm 19 and not married or engaged. I'm not rushing it, I don't want to be married right now or in the next couple years anyways. I like my last name a lot and I'm not ready to change it yet.

However, this week I met someone that completely changed all my thinking on the whole subject. I know he probably won't ever read this (unless he gets a facebook), so I am going to be completely honest about the whole thing. I'm almost positive it will sound pretty mooshy-gooshy, falling-in-love stereo typical. I just need people's opinions on the 'situation' that may be playing itself out. So, if you would please message me your opinions, and not tell my dad if ya know him (its not his biz right now lol), I would greatly appreciate it! :)

So my new job consists of driving/delivering nice, newer cars to different car lots around Oregon, Idaho, Nor Cal, and Washington. My first day on the job was this last Tuesday. I had to take a car to Corvallis and we actually had to take 2 cars, so I followed my manager, Troy, over while he trailed the Mustang, and I drove an Armada. Then we had to go Lebanon and pick up another vehicle and stop by some other lots to talk about selling and buying vehicles. We'll we, Troy and I, decided it was cheaper to trailer the truck back than to pay for gas for both rigs and each drive.

So we loaded the truck onto the trailer, and after unsmashing the fender which was accidentally driven over when trying to straighten the truck on the trailer, we were headed home! It was about 7pm when we finally left Corvallis, so we grabbed dinner at Subway and hopped on the road for the trip home. We had fun comparing all the music we both enjoyed, sports we played and growing up on a farm.

I have known Troy for almost a year through my dad, who wrenches on Troy's vehicles, so I know he rides dirt bikes, enjoys racing motocross and has a pretty good head on his shoulders. My dad thinks pretty highly of him, so I knew the job would work out well as my dad trusts him quite a bit, and has no real reason to worry about anything.

After making finally making it to Bend about 10pm, we got stopped at a train and spent the next few minutes singing along with the radio. We made it through the crazy traffic caused by the train and went to the office, dropped off the rig and went our separate ways after a hug that lingered a little more than I thought normally would have. But I was tired so I didn't think anything of it and I headed home.

The next day, Wednesday, I caught myself thinking about the trip often and remembered that at all the car lots he introduced me to his friends as his new gal with a smile. It made me laugh, and at the same time it made me wonder what he was thinking. I mean, it wouldn't even be embarrassing to be in a relationship at all with him. He is really good looking, a genuinely nice guy, has a great job and is fun to be around. I know he likes teasing, a lot. So I kinda figured he was just trying to make things not as awkward for us.

Then last night I get a text from him asking me what I was doing, he kept texting me and kept a really good conversation going. He asked all kind of questions like what do I look for in a guy, what is the most important thing in a relationship and others along the same lines. So then I thought maybe he wasn't kidding around as much about the 'new gal' line. I still wasn't sure, but I was to much of a chicken to ask what he was thinking. We held a good conversation til about 1:30 this morning, when I fell asleep. I know he is going hunting this weekend so I texted him and to have a good weekend and try not to think about work! He said, "I will, and talk to ya monday".

Before I bore you to death, let me tell you the good, the bad and the ugly about him.

The Good: Has a job, Is a very hard worker, Good looking, Has a house, Has a dog (who means a lot to him), Stable emotionally, mentally and financially(even though that doesn't matter a lot, it means I wont be paying for him!) No kids, No crazy ex's, No extra baggage, Works out, Isn't afraid to try new things, Will be retired by the time he is 55

The Bad: He is an admitted work-a-holic, Not much taller than me(which is fine, I don't know what his religion is(I forgot to ask)

The Ugly: There is nothing really bad that I have seen yet.

So your probably thinking, 'Silly Emily, He seems like a nice guy and if your happy, then that's what matters most.'

Well, there is more. No, he was never a girl, he isn't gay, he isn't bi... none of's the fact that he just turned 30...Now before you slam the brakes and say 'NO WAY!' Hear the rest of my side.

He is totally the kind of person I see myself with for the rest of my life. He has outgrown all the drama that comes with guys up to age 23. He is funny, realistic and sensible. Loves to laugh, which I love, and he likes making jokes and isn't afraid to crack a dirty one once in awhile. Also, he has a lot of life experience, which I do also. I've been told I'm more mature than a lot of other 19/20 year old people. I can hold my own, I could move out on my own right now and I'm pretty sure I could make it without to many problems. He rides dirt bikes, he enjoys it, he really enjoyed working on them. He is mechanically inclined. Also, he reminds me a lot of my dad, but only the good qualities.

He and I are not running to Reno next week or next month to get married or anything of the sort. Heck, we are still just plain ol' friends. Not even best friends. I am just thinking ahead to what might be in the future if anything comes of those text's from last night. I know that if a relationship did play itself out, it could seem awkward at times with our ages. But it really isn't that much difference. It just sounds funny when I am 19 and he is 30, and it sounds totally OK if I am 25 and he is 35.

I'm not planning on moving in with him anytime soon. I'm not planning anything. Just a friendship with the possibility of a casual relationship.

I would LOVE to hear your opinion on this, please make sure its a message though :)

Thanks for reading! I'm trying hard to keep up on this, but having 2 jobs and any type of normal life is almost impossible :)

-Emily <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Handed Rodeo - Part 1

So before I get started, I just want to let you know that this is a 2 part blog, only thee first part will be included in this post though. The first part is about the races that were in Medford and all the good/bad things that happened; and the second part is about things that I've been thinking about and things that I have realized in the couple months since I've last posted. :)

Part 1: An orange trailer, black suburban and small dog. Two people, two bikes, one goal: to race hard, place well and get home safe; ready for another race in 2 weeks. Well, most all of it happened like planned.

We were planning to leave friday morning at about 8am. I'm really not sure why my dad wanted to leave so early, but that was his plan. Well thank goodness things didn't go as planned and we didn't have to leave until 11am. I hate being late anywhere, but I hate being early too. So we left Bend, all its cold/nasty/yucky/snowing-ness and headed to warmer weather. The drive down was really nice. We took hwy 97 down to hwy 62, which is near to crater lake, then into medford where we headed up to the prairie to drop the trailer. When we started up the gravel road we noticed right away that it had recently had a face lift and was smoother and easier than the last time we attempted the road in 2009. 'ZOOM!' Right on up the road we go right past the MRA lower staging area, the dam and bicycle trails until we see the sign hanging in the trees welcoming all the riders and families. We pulled into the middle tier to park and the first person we saw was Joe Stagg, Mr. Trials-man himself (who rides a husabug too).

We said our hello's, talked about the course and after awhile, decided to go into Medford and get ahold of our homie to meet up for dinner. After driving around to find a Dollar Store (to get Miss Elleigh a collar and leash, which she conveniently forgot), a Fred Meyers, and a gas station, We headed over to Olive Garden to chow on some carbs before the race saturday morning. The portabella di ravioli hit the spot for me and my dad enjoyed a plate of spaghetti with chicken Parmesan while we chatted with our family friend for a couple hours. Knowing that Jason and Mary were on their way, we decided to head back up to the prairie before it got too dark to do some last minute oil/gas mixing and see who had shown up.

When we arrived back at the prairie, our camping buddies had successfully set up their tent and were waiting for us to get back. We talked for awhile and decided to hit the hay as I was getting tired and battling a massive headache. My dad blew up his air mattress and I made my bed and we crawled into the back of the suburban for a good nights sleep, all the while, praying it wouldn't rain on the tent-dwellers. Then the people started pulling in. We saw headlights, tail lights and back up lights often throughout the night.

Saturday morning I open my eyes and see that it isn't quite light but not quite considered dark anymore. I decided it wasn't worth getting up that early and Ell was not in any mood to go outside yet. I laid back down and after catching another hour of sleep, I started hearing voices outside, and once I know people are around, I cant sleep anymore. I pried Elleigh out of bed and took her to use the grass and saw a super cute little 'Casita' trailer parked next to us. The truck looked familiar and I looked into the window of the trailer and there was Tom and Donna eating their breakfast! They said they had gotten there pretty late, and even had to go to through a party to make it.

After catching up on lost time and stories, My dad says we should probably get ready to race and make sure all the registration was in order. We head up the stairs and see the fire is starting to burn and grab a spot to warm our frozen piggies. I started looking around and noticed that one of my most amazing friends, Cheryl, is getting things ready to go for sign up. I fill out the needed papers and head over to first, say hello to the crew; second, make sure I'm good to race in 2 hours and third, get a hug. :) We talk for a few minutes, then all the other racers start heading up to get their paper duties finished and I walk down to make sure that my bike is in running order. I put on my gear, kiss my dog good-bye and head up to the riders meeting. It was short, sweet and to the point; followed by a great prayer by Ellis Cookman.

I hop on my trusty steed and head over to the starting line. I line up with the 200 am's and another class(i think). I watch the first 6 rows take off and next thing I know, its my turn to go! I had found a good rock to make up for the shortness that I posses and it was placed in a good spot beneath my foot, or so I thought. 'Vroom', my bike starts on the first kick, I'm thinking, 'Oh yeah, lets go!' and the next thing I know my bike is tipping over as the other bikes are going forward. I say a few choice words, my face burning the whole time and pick up my bike(still running), hop on and try my darndest to catch up to my row(By the way, rumor has it there is a video). I focused on getting out of the motocross section and get lost as fast as possible. I don't remember much from the race, I know I passed some folks, got passed a few times and did 2 complete laps and only the top 3 AA guys had passed me by the time I finished. I was stoked! I had ended up 2nd in my class and 82nd overall. I was a little disappointed, but not overly so knowing there was another race the next day.

It rained, it rained and it rained and it rained. All night long. Every time I woke up, it was raining. I was NOT looking forward to a mud mess at all. I get up, throw on my gear, attend the riders meeting, listen to another great prayer. Get a bunch of good-lucks and squeeze my way into the 200 am/30 am row. I got a decent start and held my own until we get a couple miles in, where I dump it. I take off my goggles, stuff them into my chest protector and get on my way racing again. I see Reid and Karissa standing at one of the road crossing so I chuck my goggles at them hoping they knew what my thinking was as I shook my head. I was having fun, but it could have been way better. I complete one lap, go into the pits where I get fuel, grab a drink of electrolytes and fresh gloves and head out into the battle field again. I feel great. I was pluggin' right along, passing people I was trying to catch and 'BOOM!'. I hit a tree with my handgaurd, I try to save it and a stump caught my front tire which stopped the forward momentum of my bike, but not me.

We were riding down a rather narrow trail with water bars, which is what stopped me from sliding any further. I laid there for a few seconds thinking that I was done with racing for a long while. I was heart-broken, mad and embarrassed beyond belief. I told so many people I wouldn't get hurt and that I would be smart when I raced. I heard another bike coming so I moved out of the way. The guy stopped, laid his bike down, moved my bike, made sure I was ok, and let himself be passed by someone in his class before he left to finish his race. I was so grateful someone had stopped (I have no idea who you are, so if you read this, THANK YOU!). I got back on my bike and Tyler Foley stopped and asked if I was alright too. I told him I was and he took off. Not long after, I decided that I need to finish, even if it took me all day. So I took off sitting down and made sure I kept going forward. My right thigh was burning, my right forearm, my left hand both hurt horribly and my left eye was kind of fuzzy. About 5 miles later of sitting down and praying for no broken bones, all my pain disappeared and I was able to race full out like I had been earlier. I finished the second and final lap after being passed by 4 or 5AA riders.

Then it hit me, my hand was killing me and I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. I have never felt something so horrible in my life. I'm not gonna lie, it made me cry. It just plain hurt! I changed my clothes, which was a chore, put on make up and brushed my hair. My dad didn't know I had made it in, so he was surprised when I was at the trailer and he didn't think I had finished. I told him I did, just that I crashed. We loaded our trailer and headed up to stand by the fire to wait for race results. It was still raining.

The riders kept trickling in and after awhile the orange-vested riders(sweeps) arrived and said the course had been cleared and the results began emerging. The printer was on high speed as they had quite a few classes to print out, then it quit, on my class results. So, the lovely Cheryl, had to write them by hand for the last 4 classes that didn't print. I had gotten 5th, to say the least I wasn't happy at all. Oh well, its just racing I told myself, but I still wasn't happy. I was sad to leave as I won't see some of the people at the race for quite a few months, but it made me look forward to the next race.

We descended the hill, found a Carls Jr for grub and hopped on the highway to head home. We were just leaving town and saw a familiar truck in front of us so we pulled up and, believe it or not, it was Mr. Dan Bolin heading home the same direction as us. With Devan riding in another truck behind us; our caravan was headed home through the snowy forest near Crater Lake, and sure enough, it started snowing hard. I closed my eyes and thought about all the fun conversations, the new friends and amazing memories that had been made that weekend. It was a great weekend and even though I had a heckuva time sunday, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Now your wondering about my hand, well, I'm not really sure. The EMT at the race looked at it and said he thought it was broke. I don't think it is. I have full range of motion back in it and even though it is still painful, I can touch it without wincing in pain. It is swollen, but no visible bruises. I bought a wrist/hand splint today and it seems to help allot. I have been icing and heating it also continuously as well as taking Aleve for the pain. I am planning on racing this weekend at Prineville and next weekend in Ridgecrest, Ca. at the national. I think it will be fine by then. If it doesn't have any more improvements by thursday, I promise to go to the doctor to have it x-rayed.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

high school memories

I was going through all my papers and things I've kept around trying to bust some spring cleaning moves on my room, and I found some poems that I had to write for Creative Writing. CAUTION: A couple are sad ones.

Losing You

You're different.
You've changed.
Your're trying to hide your problems.
losing yourself in the dark, smokey house.
It stinks.

Your not yourself anymore.
I miss you.

You gave them the chance to change you, they took it.
You let them change you.
Nice people.
They control your mind, body and soul.

Do you even know who you are?
I don't.
Us,your friends, can't stand being around you.

Frustrated! Consumed with a fiery passion!
Pissed off!
Mad at you for not believing us. WAKE UP!

You're lost. You're confused
I understand that. We want to help you...
But you wont listen.

Best friends? Yeah Right! Not anymore
While I make excuses to not be around you,
I feel like dying. It hurts me to say no to you.
I hate having to lie.

You think you're confused?
Try being your ex-best friend.


Trying to find myself in a jumble, they call it life
Wanting to know where I fit in.

Trying to work my way into adulthood,
More like the unknown.

What happens after leaving the comfort of being
carefree? Do we have to leave everything as we know it?
I wonder.

Looking into the future, wanting to know what to expect next. Other than the sunrise and sunset.

I wonder, think and ponder. Growing up is hard to do, some
say it's worth it. Others say its not. Stay a
kid, I've been told. And always a kid at heart.

The best adivce is: Just Breathe
Never forget the secrets of life.

and this one is my favorite:


Do you have any idea how I feel?
What you said crushed me;
like a piece of fresh paper all ripped and crumpled,
then tossed to the floor to be walked on.

I hate the half-hearted truths and whole lies
We used to be so close
We had no secrets
Now I ask, "Who are you?"

So busy....
To busy for me?
For what we could be?
Replaced by someone 'better'.
I was the best person I could be
I tried to save it, I couldn't take the stress
and pain of dealing with you anymore.

You being absent from my life is like living with one
Hurts to breath, eat and think.
I miss you so much. You say the same, but I hear
the hollowness and distractions in your voice.
You don't mean it, you never did.

I need to move on,
to be happy and fulfilled again. To have what is
To know how it feels to be truly loved again.
It will never happen by you, it was never there to
begin with.
A fake, a facade and a lie. You tried so hard to make
us believe you
but it was all to make you look good. Not meant for
anything else.

I need to move on.
Your time is running out.
Like a clock.

They were all meant for someone at the time that I wrote them, and Im happy to say that the person I was referring to in the first one is now my friend again, and I've successfully made it into adulthood. lol
Thanks for reading, i'll post an updateing blog this week :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kegger in Cali :)

Team Oregon was back on I-5 for the long trip down to Coalinga for the second round of the Western Hare Scrambles series at Picacho Creek. Rain, snow, wind, hail and a long windy road with a million blind corners and a few water crossing was all it took to get to the Salinas Ramblers property thursday night. Then the worst news, the gate was shut and the river was rising fast. We then had to turn around the trailer and head back into town and decided to drive back friday morning about noon, the gate was open and we were the first racers, other than the SRMC members, there. We paid our gate fee's and found a safe place to park the trailer.

Saturday morning rolls around and there are all kinds of bikes being started and people getting stuck trying to pull throught the mud. However, it was sunny! I pulled on my kmart special boots(50% off the original price!), KTM jacket and headed up to watch the 50cc riders dice it out at 8:15am. Lots of kids showed up to represent their shizz and lots of racing went down. They ran the kids all morning, took a lunch break and ran the D-36 Womens/Vintage/Supermini/85cc classes until 3. By then, it was POURING with some snow flakes mixed in. Lane Turner and I had walked all over the endurocross section and the long uphill behind the camping area and decided that it would be a mudfest. Lane had been dying all day for Kenny Worley to show up, so when he did, Lane disappeared until he was dying for lasagna. So we popped them in the oven, on the grill and hung out until they were done. The Johnson and Jensen men had showed up registered and headed back into Coalinga for a night at the travellodge while the rest of us dined on homemade lasagna, garlic bread and salad. Yum, the perfect ending to a great, rainy, day. So I know you all wanted to hear about the 'Kegger in Cali', so ill throw that part in now.

We had to find fuel for the truck quick and while looking for a petrol station, we saw a grocery store and had to run in to buy some fruit since we couldnt bring it over the border. We also had to find granola bars and more H2O bottles. While wandering up and down the hard liquor isle, I spotted a Keg and went to check it out and noticed it said 'Rootbeer'. I knew I had to have it! I asked the guy how much it was, he said $17 something and I bought it. The biggest reason is that noone else who is 19 that I know can say they bought a Keg without theit ID being checked. It was actually really good rootbeer too! We all had some with the lasagna and everyone said that it was great! I saved the keg itself and put it on my shelf. It has more memories than any trophy could have given me!

Sunday morning, I start to wake up and realize I the warning signs of a migraine.....Great. Just what I need the morning of a race, I pop some excedrin and go back to sleep and wake up at 7, just in time to go say hi to Fred Sumrall(Chaplain of D-36, nicest guy in the world and my hero) then go for a morning jog. It was sunny again, but it was supposed to stay that way all day. I was hoping so, I was sick and tired of the rain and snow, it wreaked havoc on my hair with the added moisture in the air! I didnt race until 1:15, so I went up and cheered on my new friend Brianna in her race! Then it was time for the Expert guys, Devan(AA), Aaron(30 Ex) Gage J and Matt J(Open Ex) were lined up and ready to go. Devan was focusing on preparing when Brian Garrahan showed up and pulled in right next to him, they shook hands and wished each other luck. It was cool to see them lined up. I got some good pictures of them starting; i'll upload them later.

I ran to get geared up and rode back to the start line to watch the guys go through the EX course. We were told if you rode the EX course cleanly you could save 50 seconds over going the alternate route. Some of the guys did amazing going through the EX course and other guys wasted more than 5 minutes going through it. It was funny to watch them get grumpy when the guys who went the alternate route rejoined the course and they were still stuck on the 'shortcut'. I had decided that I wouldnt waste the time or energy on the EX course and opted to go the alternate route, which was a good move on my part since it was SO much easier and I just had to pin it to go fast. I lined up and was ready to go when Kacy Martinez and Brooke Hodges pulled on either side of me, I was a little intimidated knowing that both are so good. I got a decent start about 3rd or 4th and hung with the AA girls until the top of the first long hill when a downed rider picked his bike up right infront of me, I tried to go around and got a little wonkly and they left me in the mud. But I wasnt about to give up that easy, I raced my heart out and by the end of the first lap I was in 4th when I went through the shikane before the pits, I was a ways behind the girls, but I felt great and headed out for lap #2. I dont remember much of it, I was to focused on racing and I know I ended up 4th, not bad for a girl from oregon

Overall it was a great race, good time with friends and a nice break from the snow

Kenny ended up 2nd
Dave ended up 9th
Devan ended up 12th
Aaron ended up 8th
Gage ended up 12th
Matt ended up 9th
Lane ended up 2nd
Luke ended up 13th and
Unfortunately, Madelines bike melted all the packing and plugged the exhaust so she wasnt able to finish

Great race to everyone and I cannot wait until Shasta!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Its easiest to walk by putting one foot in front of the other

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking...

So I am not a Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana fan, But I really like her song 'The Climb'. It's so true and 100% applicable to my life. I have had to overcome quite a few things in my life, and this year, as a newly 19-year-old, I plan on putting every major obstacle that I will come across right directly in front of me and tackling it right away. I am so tired of putting things off until the last minute and then having to try to talk and explain my reasoning for not doing it and/or doing it so late. I am going to try my hardest to do my best at everything, and even though it might not be enough for some people, I will know it was the best I could have done so I cant be disappointed in myself. I am pledging to work out 3 times a week, update my blog once a week, keep in touch with old friends and pray everyday. I also want to pay off all my debts this year. My goal is to get rid of all my credit cards in the next 3 months, and to have my dirt bike paid off by the end of 2011. It will take a lot of willpower to put my extra money towards the bike instead of new clothes, but next year will be so much better when I only have a car and cell phone payment.

School, this is a confusing topic for me. I really want to be a lawyer and a personal trainer, but I am having a hard time wanting to apply myself at this point. I have been told a couple times that I should look into journalism, by some teachers and a friend, so I might look at studying the subject for awhile and seeing how I like it, and maybe using that as a job while I work on my law degree, because I know that will be expensive.However, I enjoy working full time and having the freedom of not going to school, but I know if I want to go anywhere in my life, I need to buckle down and get it happening. I am thinking of moving to Oregon City to live with my grandparents and going to school over there so that I can focus more on school and work than on helping my dad with the family. I am not sure what to do at this point, I am just working right now and focusing on racing.

I would love to be the fastest woman racer in the United States, and I hope that one day I can get to that point and prove that I am who I said I wanted to be. I have been doing my best to work out and stay on a healthy eating plan to get to my best racing abilities and my maximum potential. I was able to get all the weekends I need to go to all the race off from work, so that was a blessing that my boss was so understanding and willing to let me do that. It was such a relief to know that I can work and race without having to worry about anything.

I am truly blessed and lucky to have my job. Everyone is so great and fun to be around. They are some of the realest people I know and I feel like I've known them for a long time. I think that everyone should have a job like mine, it offers so many skills and trials, but nothing that one can't handle. It is a do-it-all job, so I get all kinds of experience at all different types of skills. I answer the phone, ring up customers, load the kilns, offer advice, help plan parties and get to meet some of the coolest people. I have been working here for almost 8 months and there isn't anything I cant handle here. I am a lucky girl!

Oh yes, I must mention that I am now 19. It was such a great birthday, one of the best ones I have ever had! I must say it feels great to be loved by so many people!

Also, I am leaving for Coalinga, California on Wednesday for a Western Hare Scrambles race. I just picked up all my new gear and a lowering bushing for my dirt bike. So hopefully between the shorter seat, the lowering bushing and maybe a little growth over the summer, I will be able to touch the ground and have a better ride than last year. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

This week has been a great one, and I hope all of you had a great week as well!
Until next time!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I wear my own shoes best...

Wow! Its been a long time since I've posted on here! I just got busy and life took over my time. Well since I posted last time, alot has happened. We got a puppy, named Morgan; We found our cat that has been missing for 3 months! He was taken from us, and the person who took him then turned him in to the humane society and we saw him at Petsmart and he was up for adoption!! We had to re-adopt him, but he is home now, safe and sound.

Also, I learned that I am only human and I need to be more humble. I also learned to walk in my own shoes, and to not try to do to much. I was having problems with a person I know and I thought I knew better and was doing all I could to change the situation by nearly sabbatoging their reputation with a person who could do something about it and then I decided to spend a day in their shoes...I was changed that day, I didnt realize that maybe they are doing they best they can and maybe they dont know how to be different or how to try harder. And I would be SO pissed if someone tried to make the same thing happen to me! I didnt realize how much it could and would affect someone!

Walking in my own shoes means that I need to learn my specifiic spot in life. I am not a parent and not a spouse and I'm not commited to anyone or anything, other than my payments and dog. So I need to step away from the parent roll and embrace me, as a soon to be 19 year old college student who really has no worries and no reason to stress about life. But I dont think that I know how. Lydia(8 year old sister) told me that she didnt think of me as her sister, instead of as her mom. She said she doesnt know why, but God told her she has to love me with more than a sibling love, more like a parent. It made me stop to think that maybe she, and my other siblings, do pay more attention to what I do and what I say more than I origianlly thought.

I am sooo unfocused tonight. Its impossible to write more right now.


BBFN, Emily

Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome to two-oh-one-one

OhMyGod! I cannot believe that I am alive and kickin' in 2011! I can't believe we are officially finished with the first week and that we only have 51 left! A week ago I was tearing up because I didnt want to let go of 2010 and all the amazing/horrible/great/sad things that happened.
I'll go through a few of the main ones for my new followers and friends. 1-raced some of the western hare scrambles series. 2-Got a job. 3-Graduated High School. 4-Bought a car and dirtbike. 5- Maxed out 2 credit cards. 6-Rode MX for the first time ever. 7- Held hands with a dead guy who I tried to save. (Ok, so I cant put that without elaborating, but I really am not in a place to recall that whole memory right now-so, ask me later). 8-Decided I needed to go back to church. 9- Found that I cannot count on people, even if they pinky-promised. 11-Voted for the first time ever! 10- and most of all, I found out exactly who I am.

I am Emily, an 18 year old who has lived in hell and been to heaven. A person who has never broke a bone, but has had their everything crushed. A girl who thought she was in love and trusted the wrong guy with too much and forgot to love the right guy.
In 2010, I learned to love me for me. And to take everything that everyone says to my heart. I learned to keep secrets and I learned to tell the truth. I keep saying that I dont care what people say about me, but I do. What people think about you is how you get places in life. If people think that you are a low-life scum, they arent going to give you half as much as they would if they thought you were some rich executive somewhere, or if they thought you were really pretty and perfect in everyway. The best way to get someone to like you for you is to love yourself. It is the hardest and most painful thing to do, but it is SO worth it.

2011, two-oh-one-one, twenty-eleven, the year before the world will end, this year has SO many names. So far, this year has been the year of letdowns, downfalls and reasons to walk away. Letdowns: being stood-up more than once by someone after promises have been made to make that day happen, royally SUCK! Downfalls: Not being where I expected to be this year is also a big SUCK! And reasons to walk away: I will not and never will send dirty pictures! Why do guys not get that? If I said 'no' once, then I'm sure I'll say no the next million times you ask! I chose to not be friends with you unless you quit asking. So you quit asking, for 2 days!! Then you delete me on FB when I dont send them? Real mature! Your WAY older than me, and I cannot get over the age difference, so therefore I will not do anything, send anything or say anything! Get over it!

I cannot wait to see what this year brings. Even though I am still pretty weak, very emotional and still a baby in the way I handle things. God wont take me through anything I cant handle. So I have to trust him 100 and 10% all the time. Even when I think I know better. And even though I thought I would be 30-something when I said this; Dad was right more times than not, and he does know what he is talking about for the most part. He isnt always the best 'mom', but he does try hard and thats a whole lot more than I've had before. I love him and I hope he knows that I would do anything for him and our famn damily, even if I roll my eyes everytime he tells me to drive safe. Dad, I love you alot :)

I hope to update this about once a week. So check back next friday.
Love you all and thanks for being in my life,
-Em :) <3